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    Workers’ Compensation Lawyer West Palm Beach

    Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt

    If you’re looking for a qualified workers’ compensation lawyer in West Palm Beach, chances are you’ve already been injured on the job. You know an injury can be painful, but are you fully prepared to handle the recovery process by yourself? Sometimes, the accident is just the tip of the iceberg, and your recovery can be completely disrupted by frustrating complications that just make life harder for you.

    Injured on the job?

    Workplace injuries have the potential to impact your life for years, and you could be struggling to get back on your feet long after your physical injuries have healed. To help get an idea of the hidden challenges behind a workplace injury, consider this example:

    You’re on the job, and working on a construction site. Your task involves climbing up on a scaffolding with your gear and equipment – pretty straightforward, and pretty simple until the scaffolding collapses without warning. You and your equipment fall to the ground, and in a matter of seconds, you’ve got a broken ankle. What comes next?

    Obviously, seeking out medical attention is the first step. You need medical care, and that means a long hospital stay and several visits to medical professionals. It could also mean an expensive ambulance ride just to get you to the emergency room. Of course, this all means a steep medical bill, but insurance will take care of it right away – right?

    Why is my insurance taking so long?

    Unfortunately not. While many insurance companies like to market themselves as completely on your side, the sad reality is that there are lots of insurance companies that are just in it to make money – and if that means making you wait for some much-needed money, they’ll make you wait. Insurance companies generate money on interest, so they’ll oftentimes hold on to your money for as long as possible before finally giving you a (meager) sum.

    You’ve already been injured, and you’re struggling to recover while balancing bills. Do you really need to be fighting with your insurance at this time? After all, your income has dried up, and it’s becoming difficult to make ends meet…

    The True Cost of Lost Wages

    In this case, your injury requires medical care – and it certainly wouldn’t allow to clock in for your typical 9-5. You’ll have to miss work while you recover, whether it’s because of medical procedures and appointments, or because your injury prevents you from performing the tasks that you’d ordinarily be required to perform on the job.

    But you need those paychecks. You have a mortgage, car payments, and many other financial obligations to take care of. You were relying on wages to pay things off, but those have dried up, and there’s only so far an emergency fund can carry you until your situation gets really drastic. Maybe it’s time to seek help. Maybe it’s time to find a workers’ compensation lawyer in West Palm Beach.

    What Can a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Do for Me?

    In our hypothetical situation, you’ll end up dangerously low on money, waiting on slow insurance, and temporarily out of work. That’s where a qualified workers’ compensation attorney comes in. Contacting Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt can make the difference between frantically juggling paperwork and bills, or focusing on a stress-free recovery.

    A workers’ compensation lawyer can investigate your injury to see if you have a claim on your hands. Remember that faulty scaffolding? It shouldn’t have collapsed: Someone was negligent, and their negligence resulted in your injury. You could be entitled to even greater financial compensation than you’d expect, and a qualified workers’ compensation lawyer can help you get the money you deserve.

    A workplace injury is painful enough – it doesn’t have to be worse than it already is. If you’ve been injured on the job, reach out to a workers’ compensation lawyer in West Palm Beach, and focus on recovery.

    Developing an Occupational Disease or Health Condition

    If your job has caused you to develop a chronic disease or illness that hinders you from working, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation and should contact a workers’ compensation lawyer West Palm Beach trusts. Proving an occupational disease is usually not easy, especially when the condition develops over time or is being questioned by your employer. Furthermore, it is not uncommon for insurance companies to argue that it was not the job that caused the occupational disease or illness. For this reason, it is advisable to contact a workers’ compensation lawyer West Palm Beach relies on from Law Offices of Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt. – Please call 561.616.3800 to schedule an initial consultation.

    What You Should Do When You Believe You Have an Occupational Disease

    If you think you have developed an occupational disease or illness, the first thing you should do is get medical attention. Let your doctor know what you suspect your ailment has occurred from work. Make sure you note any specific factors like where you work, what you work around, any chemicals/substances you use, etc. You should notify your employer as soon as possible and then call an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer. Occupational diseases are generally not like a standard work injury. Rather they may involve substantial health problems and financial loss which is why you may want to opt for a workers’ compensation lawyer West Palm Beach workers turn to from the very beginning.

    Examples of Occupational Diseases

    As workers’ compensation lawyers, we have handled a number of cases that have involved occupational diseases such as:

    • Caisson’s Disease – Adverse effects associated with compressed air work or commercial diving
    • Cancer – Multiple types
    • Infectious illness – Such as hepatitis, scabies, TB, etc.
    • Needle injuries or blood-borne pathogens – When the job involves direct contact with blood
    • Noise-induced hearing loss – For example when a job involves loud machinery
    • Respiratory disorders – Including asthma, COPD, pulmonary disease, emphysema, etc.
    • Exposure to toxins resulting in an illness – Examples include cadmium, PCBs, vinyl chloride, mercury, arsenic, platinum, sulfur dioxide, ammonia, etc.
    • bronchitis, rhinitis, fibrosis, alveolitis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, emphysema, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, – also called chronic obstructive lung disease)
    • Carpal tunnel – Caused by forceful, repetitive work such as hammering
    • Thoracic outlet syndrome – A nerve condition that results from certain muscle strains or sprains
    • Chronic pain – From heavy lifting or repetitive use
    • Asbestos exposure

    The above health conditions are only a fraction of examples that may entitle you to workers’ compensation. To learn more, please call a workers’ compensation lawyer West Palm Beach employees need now.

    We Focus On Protecting Your Rights

    As workers’ compensation lawyers, we understand that you and your family may rely on compensation after being diagnosed with an occupational disease. When you call our firm we will be ready to listen to your story and provide you with honest legal advice. If you don’t understand the benefits of hiring a lawyer, here are a few reasons to consider:

    • A workers’ compensation lawyer can issue proper notice to your employer and their insurance carrier. This could speed up the entire process.
    • A lawyer can ensure you get the medical treatment you need; sometimes on a lien basis.
    • Your claim may include more than monetary damages from medical costs or job loss but rather might also note mileage costs, therapy, and more.
    • You may be able to receive maximum compensation.
    • A lawyer will understand how to gather the necessary proof needed to show the insurance company.
    • A lawyer may be ready to negotiate your settlement based on your best interests.

    Time Is of the Essence!

    If you are ready to talk with one of our workers’ compensation lawyer West Palm Beach residents trust, please call – now.

    Am I eligible for workers’ compensation benefits?

    As your West Palm Beach workers’ compensation lawyer from The Law Offices of Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt can explain, the main types of benefits that you might be eligible for include medical treatment and disability. The medical benefits should cover the cost of your doctor’s bills and other related expenses are for the full duration of your injury or disability. Payments for disability should equal around two-thirds of your normal wages while you are unable to work, for at most two years. If your disability is permanent, you will be given a disability rating and life-long benefits depending on that rating. 

    Do I have the option of choosing my own doctor?

    The answer to this will vary, sometimes yes and other times no. Your employer chooses your doctor for the first appointment, but after that, employees may be permitted to choose another doctor within the medical provider network. Some employers may select any doctor they want after 30 days of care, as long as the doctor they prefer accepts workers’ compensation insurance. Your right to pick a doctor will depend on the employer you are working for. 

    How do I know if my employer wrongfully handled my claim?

    Sadly, an employer may attempt to lessen or deny your workers’ compensation benefits as means to save money at all costs. Signs that your employer may have mishandled your claim, purposefully or not, include:

    • You find out that your workers’ compensation paperwork was not submitted, or was sent in late
    • Your employer doesn’t keep you notified of the status of your claim
    • When bringing the accident and your injury to the attention of your employer, they have tried to persuade you to not file a claim 
    • Since you sent in a workers’ compensation claim, you have been moved to another department, had your schedule changed for the worse, or been reassigned duties

    Can my employer deny benefits?

    Your employer may deny your benefits for several reasons. If they suspect that your claim has serious and willful misconduct, such as being intoxicated or starting an altercation with a coworker, they may deny benefits. Employees who were engaging in recklessness, purposeful intention, or horseplay may not be awarded coverage for the medical costs associated with treating the injuries. However, if you feel that you were wrongfully denied benefits, that’s another story. It is possible an employer denied benefits to save money, and lack regard for their employee’s recovery. If that may be the cause for you, please call a West Palm Beach workers’ compensation lawyer now. 

    At what point do I need a lawyer’s help?

    It’s a good idea to have lawyers that you can reach out to about legal concerns. Most people can benefit from having a lawyer so that as time goes by they can make sure their best interests and rights are being protected. When it comes to workers’ compensation, it can be tricky to know exactly when a lawyer’s help is needed. You can have a lawyer oversee the handling of your claim and ensure that you are getting the most benefits possible. But if something awry has already happened, such as a claim denial, then now is the time to get a lawyer’s help. A West Palm Beach workers’ compensation lawyer from The Law Offices of Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt is ready to assist you. 

    Client Review

    “My worker’s comp case was settled without going to court or mediation. Job well done.”
    Ronnie Davis
    Client Review


    Contact us today for a free consultation so we can discuss your situtaion.  It is not only important to talk to an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer when you have been hurt on the job, it is also the best way to make sure that you receive proper medical services and lost wages you are entitled to under the law. After all, the Workers’ Compensation law was created to protect you – the employee.

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    Florida’s Most Trusted Workers’ Comp Attorneys

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    Remember, the consultation is free, and if you choose The Law Offices of Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt to represent you, you won’t pay for our services unless we win a settlement for you.

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      Why Choose Us



      A combined 100 years of experience in work-related injuries 


      We know how to fight insurance companies

      We make sure you are not taken advantage of, even when powerful insurance companies who are notorious for trying to deny your care.


      A Passion For Advocacy

      Every person on our team has a passion for helping people and fighting for their rights.