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    Delray Beach Workers’ Compensation Lawyers

    Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt

    Workers’ Compensation Lawyers in Delray Beach

    Delray Beach Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

    You don’t plan to get hurt at work, but when a workplace accident happens to you or a loved one, call an experienced Delray workers’ compensation lawyer.

    Delray FL work injury compensation lawyerInjuries at the workplace happen on an almost daily basis. If you are hurt at work, there are three important acts to take to protect your ability to file a workers’ compensation claim:

    1. Report the injury to a boss or supervisor
    2. Seek immediate medical attention; and
    3. Contact a work injury lawyer as soon as possible.

    When dealing with the workers’ compensation insurance company, you can bet on them doing everything they can to shut down your case and limit medical care or lost wage benefits to which you may be entitled to under the law.

    Remember, the money that work comp insurance companies should be paying to doctors, pharmacies, laboratories and diagnostic centers on your behalf could be money that they earn interest on if they can find a way to not pay. When it comes to finding these loopholes, they will attack your case by looking to see if an injured worker has reported the accident and what, if any, medical care has been sought at the time of the accident.

    Delray Beach Work Injury Lawyers That Care

    A Delray work injury compensation lawyer knows that the reporting of an accident is an essential requirement in pursuing a workers’ compensation claim. If an injured worker contacts us within a certain period after the injury, the work injury lawyers at the Law Offices of Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt can help report the injury directly to the carrier or help you in finding the right way for you to report your injury directly to your employer. Failure to timely report could cost you your claim. Do not delay when it comes time to report the accident.

    Unless you work in an industry where there are well-known dangers – such as firefighting or law enforcement – when you go to work each day, the last thing that is likely on your mind is that you will be injured on the job. But according to statistics from the U.S. Department of Labor, just under 3 million workers suffer job-related injuries and illnesses each year. More than 5,000 of those victims die from their injuries. A Delray Beach workers’ compensation lawyer knows that in Florida, more than 300 workers lose their lives each year in job-related incidents.

    Preventable Accidents

    According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), there are thousands of work injury accidents that can be prevented each year if employers followed the rules and regulations that the federal agency has in place. These safety measures are put in place in order to protect workers, but far too many employers cut corners and put their workers at risk of injury and death. The agency says the following are the most cited violations – and most dangerous –  they find during job site inspections.

    Fall protection: Falls are one of the most common accidents in the construction industry, which OSHA has designated as one of the most dangerous industries to work in. According to federal regulations, construction companies should be providing personal fall arrest systems, guardrails, and safety nets in order to protect workers. Tragically, many companies fail to do so. This is the most commonly cited violation that OSHA finds in their inspections.

    A Delray Beach workers’ compensation lawyer is also aware that another common construction site OSHA violation is failure to have sufficient and safe scaffolding on a job site. OSHA requires that all scaffolding be professionally designed and assembled according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The scaffolding must also be able to support up to four times the weight of the scaffolding. Again, this is another common – and often tragic – safety violation.

    Hazardous materials: Coming in at number two, failure for employers to effectively communicate about the dangers of certain hazardous chemicals and substances to their workers is another frequent OSHA violation. The agency requires all employers to label all hazardous materials properly, have written communication programs in place, properly train workers on handling these substances, and distribute safety sheets to all employees.

    Respiratory protection: Another dangerous violation that a workers’ compensation lawyer in Delray Beach sees in the cases they handle is the failure of employers to provide workers with property respiratory protection. OSHA requires employers to supply workers with respirators when they will be working in areas where there is dust, fog, harmful fumes, gases, smoke, vapors, or other dangerous environmental substances the workers will be exposed to.

    How Workers’ Compensation Works

    Workers’ compensation is a system designed to benefit both employers and workers alike. Work accidents are inevitable. Many accident types are preventable (and should be prevented whenever possible); others aren’t. Human error, sudden weather changes, and other forces ensure that even the safest job sites will suffer accidents now and again. When job site accidents do occur, the workers’ compensation system helps to ensure two things:

    • That injured workers will receive compensation to cover their medical costs, lost wages, and any necessary vocational retraining without fear of retaliation, AND
    • Employers will avoid being sued by injured workers.

    That isn’t to say that employers always escape direct liability for work-related accidents. However, in most cases, workers’ compensation is a no-fault system; workers seek compensation directly by filing claims with their workers’ compensation insurer instead of suing their employers. With that said, there are exceptions to this general rule, which is one reason why it’s essential to speak with a Delray Beach workers’ compensation lawyer before you make any assumptions about your legal situation.

    What Injured Workers Should Know About Workers’ Compensation

    Most American workers are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits if they get injured. They can work with an experienced lawyer to submit a timely claim. However, not every worker is entitled to this kind of compensation and not all events that happen at work are eligible for workers’ compensation benefits

    Our Delray Beach workers’ compensation lawyers can help injured workers determine the best routes to receiving the compensation they’re entitled to. Every case is different, but our team is always available to answer questions.

    Things Your Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Wants You to Know

    Nobody goes into work and expects to get hurt, but it happens more often than you might think. If you were recently injured in the workplace, it’s crucial to speak to a Delray Beach workers’ compensation lawyer as soon as possible. Here are a few things your lawyer wants you to know:

    • It Doesn’t Matter If You Were at Fault: Some workers believe that they aren’t entitled to receive workers’ compensation benefits if they’re partially to blame for the accident. However, unless you were under the influence of drugs or alcohol or started a fight with someone, fault usually isn’t a problem in these cases. If you weren’t paying attention, for example, and got into an accident, you’re still eligible to receive benefits.
    • Your Employer’s Insurance Company Doesn’t Have Your Best Interests in Mind: While it would be nice if your employer’s insurance company cared about your best interests, it’s likely not the case. Insurance companies put their bottom line above everything else and will do anything to save money. That’s why you shouldn’t accept a settlement offer without first discussing it with your lawyer.
    • Exaggerating Your Symptoms Can Jeopardize Your Case: A mistake a Delray Beach workers’ compensation lawyer sometimes sees people make is exaggerating their work injuries to their doctor. While you might be tempted to do this to get a larger settlement, you should resist the urge. Your doctor can determine that you’re not truthful about your injuries by running tests and doing a physical examination. If the insurance company finds out that you weren’t completely honest about your injuries, they can deny your case.
    • You Have to Attempt to Return to Work If Your Doctor Allows It: After some time has passed and you’ve recovered significantly from your injury, your doctor may give you the go-ahead to return to work with temporary restrictions. If your employer provides you with work that follows these restrictions, you risk losing workers’ compensation benefits if you refuse to return to work.
    • Most Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Work on a Contingency Fee: Unfortunately, some workers may shy away from hiring a Delray Beach workers‘ compensation lawyer because they’re afraid the fees will be too high. However, most workers’ compensation lawyers work on a contingency basis. That means no money down, and your lawyer doesn’t get paid unless you get a settlement. If you lose your case, you won’t owe your lawyer money.
    • If a Third Party Was Involved, You May Have a Civil Claim: If a third party contributed to your accident at work, you might be able to file a lawsuit separate from your worker’s compensation case. For example, if you drive a vehicle for work and another driver hits your vehicle, you can file a lawsuit against that driver.

    Things Your Workers' Compensation Lawyer Wants You to Know

    Do I Need a Lawyer to File a Workers’ Compensation Claim?

    Technically, most workers’ compensation claims can either be submitted by the injured worker or by the worker’s employer, depending upon the local requirements that each of these parties is subject to. However, it’s crucial to have an experienced Delray Beach workers’ compensation lawyer in your corner during this process, ideally before any paperwork has been filed. The experienced Florida legal team at Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt can help to ensure that all required paperwork is completed properly – that way, you’ll be less likely to experience payment-related delays, denials, and challenges related to administrative “red tape.” Additionally, if you are underpaid for your claim, your claim is denied, or other difficulties arise, we’ll be prepared to act on your behalf immediately. Finally, it is possible that – depending on the circumstances surrounding your work injury – you’re either not eligible for this kind of compensation and need to file a personal injury claim OR you are eligible for workers’ comp benefits AND can file a personal injury lawsuit as well. Our firm can help you get the compensation you deserve, no matter what the particulars of your situation may be.

    Who Is Eligible for Workers’ Compensation Benefits?

    All full-time and part-time employees are eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. Even some independent contractors ARE entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. Many times employers claim an employee is an independent contractor, when legally they are not.  By contrast, some workers, including maritime workers, railroad employees, and Federal employees may be covered by under different laws. We can refer you to the right attorney for your case, even if it is not workers’ compensation. Our firm’s experienced Delray Beach workers’ compensation lawyer team can help to clarify whether you have been correctly classified or not.

    Similarly, suppose you’re eligible for workers’ compensation, but a third party (such as a manufacturer of defective equipment) is partially to blame for the injuries you’ve sustained. In that case, you may be entitled to recover compensation through both the workers’ compensation system and through a personal injury lawsuit. We can refer you to the right attorney for your claim.

    Legal Assistance Is Available

    If you have questions about workers’ compensation generally or you’ve been injured in a work-related accident, and you need to file a claim, please consider scheduling a consultation with the experienced Florida team at Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt today. Our team will be happy to assist you with your needs. Even if it turns out that you’re ultimately ineligible to receive workers’ compensation benefits, we can help you explore alternative legal options designed to better ensure that, as an injured worker, you’re not saddled with the responsibility of paying for your work-related injury costs out of pocket. Our Delray Beach workers’ compensation lawyer team looks forward to hearing your story and providing you with guidance and support. Please call today. 

    Steps to Take for Workers’ Compensation Cases

    When someone is injured at work, it comes as no surprise to our Delray Beach workers’ compensation lawyer that the future may be full of unknowns and concerns. Some of your top worries are likely to include the recovery process, concern over whether you will fully heal, the financial impact the accident is having on you, and when you will be able to return to work. Work-related injuries are common and can occur in unexpected places; common injuries our team at Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt have represented include: 

    • Lifting and bending
    • Car accidents
    • Slip and falls
    • Falling objects
    • +More

    The impact these cases can have on victims can be deeply challenging, and in some cases, the losses could be substantial. Turning to a lawyer with experience in this area of practice should be one of your top priorities as our team can assist with ensuring that the proper steps are taken:

    Step One: Reach Out for Our Help

    Knowing what to do or who to turn to can be entirely overwhelming following an accident. As a result, it could be in your best interest to reach out to a legal professional for guidance. If you have experienced any of the following, it may be in your best interest to reach out to our team immediately:

    • You get hurt at work
    • Your injuries impact your ability to work
    • Your injuries require treatment
    • You are having trouble gaining access to the services and treatments you need

    Step Two: Seek Medical Treatment

    Obtaining proper medical treatment will be a critical component to both your recovery and your legal claim should you choose to pursue legal action. Accessing medical care after an accident ensures that:

    • Injuries are diagnosed
    • Proper treatment is administered
    • You can prove your on the job accident 

    Step Three: Gather Evidence

    Our Delray Beach, Florida workers’ compensation lawyer recommends that victims of accidents begin the process of gathering evidence in support of your case from the onset of the accident. Our team can work with victims to ensure that evidence is strong, clear, and supportive of their case. Not only should you write down your account of what happened, but it’s also helpful to have medical documentation, accident reports, and photographs or videos. Having strong evidence can help victims to receive the best possible outcome for the damages they may be experiencing. 

    Step Four: Immediately Notify Your Employer

    It’s critical to notify your employer of the accident and complete the proper paperwork promptly to avoid complications or the possibility of having workers’ compensation benefits denied. Failure to do so may result in complications. While the timeframes can vary depending upon the state, it’s recommended that on-the-job injuries are reported as soon as possible. 

    Step Five: Following Doctor’s Orders is Imperative

    When you seek care from a medical professional, they will lay out a treatment plan designed to allow victims the most optimal recovery. Sometimes, the injured party may fail to follow treatment recommendations. Failing to complete all the recommended physical therapy sessions or not wearing a specific brace could be detrimental to your recovery. Additionally, not following the doctor’s orders or completing recommended treatments could leave the opposing party to believe that you weren’t injured or not as injured as you initially disclosed. 

    Don’t Hesitate, Contact Our Delray Beach Workers Comp Lawyers

    When it comes to medical care, your Delray workers’ compensation attorney will tell you that the earlier you treat the better for your case. Insurance companies are hard pressed to deny a case when there is a hospital, emergency room or doctor’s note showing that on the day, or day or two after, the accident you went to seek care, gave a history of a workplace accident and made complaints of pain or problems that you relate to the accident. Properly documenting your accident and injuries assist your work injury lawyer in obtaining medical care and lost wage benefits.

    Now that you have the tools to proceed with your workers’ compensation claim, do not delay. Report your accident, seek medical care and call an experienced Delray workers’ compensation lawyer at the Law Offices of Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt.

    Delray Beach Workers’ Compensation Lawyer
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    “I would recommend Franks & Koenig to anyone that has had an injury case in the Delray Beach area.”

    Contact us today for a free consultation so we can discuss your situtaion.  It is not only important to talk to an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer when you have been hurt on the job, it is also the best way to make sure that you receive proper medical services and lost wages you are entitled to under the law. After all, the Workers’ Compensation law was created to protect you – the employee.

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    Florida’s Most Trusted Workers’ Comp Attorneys

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    Remember, the consultation is free, and if you choose The Law Offices of Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt to represent you, you won’t pay for our services unless we win a settlement for you.

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      Why Choose Us



      A combined 100 years of experience in work-related injuries 


      We know how to fight insurance companies

      We make sure you are not taken advantage of, even when powerful insurance companies who are notorious for trying to deny your care.


      A Passion For Advocacy

      Every person on our team has a passion for helping people and fighting for their rights.