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    Palm Beach Gardens Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

    Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt

    Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Palm Beach Gardens

    Workers' Compensation Lawyer Palm Beach Gardens

    If you got injured at work, you need an aggressive workers’ compensation lawyer Palm Beach Gardens residents trust on your side. You deserve maximum compensation for your losses. Your lawyer will fight to get you fair compensation for your injury and protect your legal rights.

    If you are injured at work, you shouldn’t have to worry about the financial ramifications of your injury. You were hired to do a job and while performing those activities you are being paid to do, you suffered an injury. You shouldn’t then have to worry about fighting an insurance company to pay your claim. No doubt you want the best workers’ compensation lawyer in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida to help you get the compensation you deserve so you can focus on healing, not stressing about the claims process. Here’s how a workers’ compensation lawyer can help your claim.

    First, let’s define workers’ compensation and workplace injury. Workers’ compensation is insurance your company purchases in order to cover any medical costs or missed wages that happen as a result of a workplace injury. A workplace injury is exactly like it sounds – where you get hurt while performing the duties of your job. This is an injury that would not have occurred otherwise if you were not doing the work you are doing.

    It isn’t uncommon for the best workers’ compensation attorney Palm Beach Gardens workers trust at the Law Offices of Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt to hear about how an employee is being mistreated as a result of filing an injury claim. We have seen the devastation on our client’s faces that have been wrongfully terminated or otherwise treated adversely because they are using a workers’ compensation benefits program provided by their employer. We are here to protect the best interests of our clients, and are not afraid to go up against your employer if they are being retaliatory towards you.

    Proving Retaliation

    To prove that your employer has committed retaliation, you have to show through evidence how you were subjected to a negative action due to filing a workers’ compensation claim. It must be true that you participated in a protected activity by law, that your employer took an adverse action towards you, and that there is a link between this protected activity and your employer’s behavior. Your attorney can help you gather as much proof as possible to prove this causation link. Examples of useful evidence include emails, performance documents, witness statements, voice recordings, and photographs.

    Keep in mind that an employer who is committing retaliation is probably not going to make it very easy to prove. Chances are, they have strategized behind the scenes on how to punish you for using workers’ compensation benefits. Employers can be particularly sneaky and covert in their actions, so it may require serious legal intervention from a Palm Beach Gardens best workers’ compensation attorney in order to make it stop and hold your employer accountable.

    Steps To Take Next

    Your first step in responding to retaliation in the workplace is to speak with a member of our team at the Law Offices of Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt. We can review your case and inform you of the best approach in getting you protected from further mistreatment. We can inform you of how strong your case is, and what records will be admissible in court (if the case goes that far). We can offer representation in and out of court. Agencies that enforce labor laws and workers rights include OSHA, EEOC, and the Wage and Hour Division of the Department of Labor. We can also talk with you about local and state agencies that can be of influence.

    What scenarios would you need the best Palm Beach Gardens workers’ compensation lawyer?

    While many workers’ compensation claims are open and shut fairly quickly, there are some cases that can linger on and be contested or denied by the insurance company. In these situations, the injured worker often begins looking for the best workers’ compensation lawyer in Palm Beach Gardens. These are typically claims that either 1) could cost the insurance company a lot of money or 2) are valid claims but can be hard to prove were caused by your job. For example, you may have developed carpal tunnel over the years as a result of constant typing for your job. The insurance company will make you prove that that happened due because of your job and not because of any extracurricular typing activities. Or what if your injury happened off-site at an event, or in your home office? The insurance company needs to be sure that the injury happened on company time and in a company approved location.

    In either scenario, it’s better to be safe than sorry. You do not want to be faced with paying thousands of dollars out of pocket because the insurance company is dragging their feet or denying your claim. A Palm Beach Gardens workers’ compensation lawyer can help you fight this battle. They can guide you on what evidence to collect, they can make sure all the proper paperwork is filled out, and they can talk to the insurance companies on your behalf. Workers’ compensation lawyer know how to speak with insurance companies. They know exactly what they are looking for and the best ways to present your case.

    When you find the best workers’ compensation lawyer Palm Beach Gardens’ clients trust, you can have peace of mind knowing that your case is in good hands. They will work on your behalf to ensure you receive the compensation you are entitled to. If you or someone you know recently suffered a workplace injury, or are struggling with receiving compensation from your workers’ compensation claim, reach out to a member of our team today. They will go through your case and help you present the strongest claim possible to the insurance company. If you would like to learn more, contact the Law Offices of Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt today.

    Common Mistakes to Avoid in Your Workers’ Compensation Case

    The steps you take immediately after getting injured at work can have a big impact on your settlement. Here are some common mistakes you should avoid making:

    • Failing to Report Your Injury to Your Employer Immediately: Getting injured in the workplace can be a shock and you might not think clearly immediately afterward. However, the one thing you should remember to do is inform your employer about the accident right away. You only have 30 days to report a work injury. Once the deadline has passed, you will no longer be eligible to receive compensation.Not Seeking Medical Attention Promptly: If you don’t feel too badly hurt after your work accident, you might put off seeing a doctor. However, it’s important to remember the certain injuries, like concussions, may not show symptoms immediately. If you delay seeing a doctor, you could put your health in jeopardy. If you wait too long to seek medical attention, it could also make it more difficult to obtain workers’ compensation.
    • Not Being Careful About What You Post on Social Media: Another mistake an aggressive workers’ compensation lawyer in Palm Beach Gardens sees people make is not being cautious about what they post on Facebook and other social media sites. However, you should understand that your employer’s insurance company might be looking at your social media to find information to use against you. For example, if you said you injured your back at work and post pictures of you at an amusement park, the insurance company may argue that you’re lying about your injury.
    • Ignoring Your Doctor’s Orders: After your doctor evaluates your injury, he or she will recommend the appropriate treatment. Whether your doctor suggests physical therapy or bedrest, you should follow his or her advice. If you don’t, you could delay your recovery and put your health at risk. Your employer’s insurance company may also assume that you aren’t truly injured and deny your case.
    • Believing Your Employer and Insurance Company Are Looking Out for You: While it would be nice if your employer and insurance company cared about your best interests, it’s likely not the case. They care most about the bottom line and may try to offer you as little money as possible for your claim. That’s why it’s important to have a skilled workers’ compensation on your side who will protect your best interests and prevent anyone from taking advantage of you.

    If you were hurt at work, contact an aggressive workers’ compensation lawyer in Palm Beach Gardens today. Call Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt.

    If you’ve been injured on the job, you’ll want to hire the workers’ compensation lawyer Palm Beach Gardens’ employees rely on to get the compensation you deserve. At The Law Offices of Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt, we have dedicated our lives to fighting for injured workers’ rights. Based on our more than 100 – years combined workers’ compensation experience, we have learned that there are four important factors you should think about when getting ready to file a claim:

    Tip #1: Don’t Waste Any Time — Report Your Injuries Immediately

    No matter the – cause of your on the job injury, time is of the essence. You only have a limited amount of time to both report the injury and file a claim. Hiring a Palm Beach Gardens workers’ compensation lawyer at the onset will help you keep track of all of these deadlines and ensure that you don’t miss your opportunity to get the compensation you need. A good guideline to remember is this: after you are injured, call one of the dedicated Palm Beach Gardens workers’ compensation attorneys of the Law Offices of Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt.

    Tip #2: Make Sure Your Employer Fulfills Their Responsibility to Your Claim

    The minute you’ve been injured, it’s your employer’s job to report your injury to their workers’ compensation insurance provider so that the workers’ compensation process can begin. Be aware that your employer may be lackadaisical in keeping up with the status and progress of your claim (because it affects his or her bottom line). This means you’ll want to be proactive about your claim; either by following up with your employer directly, or contacting The Law Offices of Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt — the workers’ compensation lawyers Palm Beach Gardens, Florida residents have trusted for many years to handle their claims.

    Tip #3: Don’t Change Care Providers Before Speaking with An Attorney

    The first physician you’re likely to meet with after being injured on the job is the emergency room doctor. Depending on the workers’ compensation insurance company involved in your case, your follow up care may be provided by a doctor of their choosing. If you are not satisfied with the quality of service the insurance company’s doctor provides, you are entitled to a change in health care providers. However, this process can be complex and time sensitive. With the help of a workers’ compensation lawyer Palm Beach Gardens Florida injured workers can feel confident that they will receive the care they need while still being eligible for the compensation they deserve.

    Tip #4: Don’t Talk to the Workers’ Compensation Insurance Provider without Hiring an Attorney First

    An insurance company’s goal is to protect their bottom line, not to pay you the money you deserve. Their process for paying claims is intentionally convoluted and tilted in their favor. Speaking with – workers’ comp – without the advice or counsel of an attorney can result in substantially less compensation for your medical needs.

    How a Workplace Accident Impacts Victims

    As the victim of a workplace accident, you may be dealing with many stressors all at once. For example, your employer may have started to treat you differently in an adverse way since filing a workers comp caim, your injuries may be very painful and uncomfortable, and you may have coworkers looking at you as if you are lying and taking advantage of the system. Unfortunately, despite workers comp programs being designed to help injured workers, there are so many ways that an employee may be impacted in their professional and personal life.

    If one or more of these applies to your current situation, then please call us immediately for guidance on what actions to take next. A workers’ compensation lawyer in Palm Beach Gardens can protect your best interests during this time.

    • Your employer has demoted you, reduced your pay, or transferred you to a less desired department. 
    • Your employer has fired you. 
    • Your employer has caused your working environment to be hostile, such as pinning coworkers against you.
    • Your employer has made threats or yelled at you. 
    • Your employer turned in your claim late, failed to turn it in entirely, or otherwise mishandled your claim in some way, which led to a problem with your claim being processed or approved. 
    • Your employer has discouraged you from applying for promotional opportunities in the workplace. 
    • The amount you were approved for does thoroughly not cover your medical expenses.
    • The work-assigned doctor provided by your employer has minimized the severity of your injuries, stated you are ready to work before you have completely healed, and/or shown other bias to benefit your employer. 
    • You were not provided with workers’ compensation information or the opportunity to file a claim after reporting the workplace injury accident to your employer. 

    What is workers’ compensation insurance?

    Every state in America has their own Workers’ Compensation Board which is tasked with overseeing an insurance program specifically for employees and paid for by employers. By law, it does not matter if an employee was injured on the job due to their own actions or if the accident was the fault of a fellow employee, a supervisor, or the company itself. Though there are certain exceptions which negate the worker’s right to compensation for an injury, this is rare. Our workers’ comp attorney can review your case to determine if it falls within the parameters of an exception. Should you be eligible for a benefits package in light of your injury, your workers’ comp attorney will pursue maximum coverage even if your initial claim was denied. It is not easy finding the best workers’ compensation attorney in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, but speaking with our firm can help you.

    When does a worker not qualify for workers’ comp insurance?

    As mentioned, our workers’ comp attorney can review your case (and at no charge) to confirm whether or not you qualify for benefits that reflect the nature and severity of your injury. As a general rule, if any of the following circumstances apply, the individual may not qualify for workers’ comp benefits:

    • The individual was not an employee of the company. If they were a contractor or an employee of another company, they may be eligible for benefits through their own company or private health insurance policy.
    • The individual was a visitor or a customer of the establishment in which the accident occurred. If the reason for the visit to the establishment was a task or duty mandated by the individual’s employer, they may still be eligible for workers’ comp benefits and should talk to an attorney. If the purpose of their visit was not work related, and the accident was the fault of the establishment or their employee, the injured person may have grounds for filing a personal injury claim against the company.
    • The individual was under the influence of alcohol or medication that was not prescribed to them and they were directly responsible for causing the accident that resulted in their injury. There are occasional exceptions to this general rule and this can be explained further by a workers’ comp attorney if this applies in your case. 

    Are you looking for one of the best workers’ compensation attorneys in Palm Beach Gardens?

    If you suffered a serious injury while working, protect your right to receive fair workers’ compensation benefits and discuss your case with an attorney from the Law Offices of Franks, Koenig and Neuwelt. When you are looking for one of the best workers’ compensation attorneys in Palm Beach Gardens, FL, call us today. 

    What benefits does workers’ compensation offer?

    Workers’ compensation is a form of insurance that benefits employees who fall ill or become injured on the job. In the state of Florida, any business with four or more employees is required to have workers’ compensation insurance. Workers’ compensation insurance covers:

    • Medical Expenses
    • A Portion of Lost Wages
    • Disability Benefits
    • Job Retraining
    • Funeral Expenses

    What should I do if I receive a denial for my workers’ compensation benefits?

    There can be nothing more frustrating than to learn that your workers’ compensation case has been denied. Experiencing the devastating impact of a work-related injury can be difficult enough; to learn that your case has been denied and can be stressful and frustrating. Common reasons workers’ compensation cases might be declined include:

    • You waited too long to report the injury
    • You had a preexisting condition
    • Suspected use of drugs and alcohol
    • Your employer disputes the claim
    • There were no witnesses to confirm the accident
    • Your report of the accident differed from medical documentation

    Why would I need a Palm Beach Gardens workers’ compensation attorney if benefits are available through my employer?

    You may be wondering why you might need a lawyer, especially considering workers’ compensation insurance is legally required in most states. While you might not always require a lawyer, in some cases, they may play a pivotal role in your case. Lawyers can help employees understand the process of workers comp, assist in ensuring that the claim has been adequately managed, and build a case that allows an employee to receive the benefits they are entitled to. 

    Why would I receive a lump sum settlement?

    If entitled to a settlement, you may be able to receive either a structured settlement or a lump sum. Following an injury, your employer may offer a lump sum settlement to cover the expenses of the accident, which is intended to cover medical expenses, lost wages, and more. In exchange, you will agree to no longer pursue further compensation. 

    If I am in a car accident while working, will I be able to retain workers’ compensation for injuries and lost wages?

    Many jobs require driving as a component of performing daily work duties. If you are in an accident, workers’ compensation covers car accidents if you were performing tasks related to your job. However, it’s essential to be aware that when you accept workers’ compensation benefits, in most cases, you waive your right to seek a personal injury claim against your employer.

    Will my workers’ compensation claim be denied if I am at fault for the car accident?

    No. Workers’ compensation is a no-fault system meaning even if you caused the accident, you would still be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. However, in some cases, your claim could be denied. Our Palm Beach Gardens Florida workers’ compensation lawyer shares that if you were driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, your workers’ compensation claim might be denied.

    Does workers’ compensation apply if I am in a car accident while commuting to or from work?

    When you are traveling to and from work, you are typically not on work time. Because of this, much of the time workers’ compensation would not apply should a car accident occur. There can be some exceptions to this, so working with a lawyer will be critical.

    What is a third party claim? Will this be my only opportunity at compensation for my losses?

    Sometimes, you may experience an accident that requires a third party claim. This means you can accept workers’ compensation benefits and also pursue legal action against a third party whose negligence contributed to the accident. A third party is a person or entity that is unrelated to your employer. If you have been in a car accident that was the fault of another driver, you may be able to take legal action against them for damages.

    Contact The – Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Palm Beach Gardens Trusts

    The Law Offices of Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt is dedicated to helping you traverse the complicated process of obtaining – a workers’ compensation benefits. With our 100 – years of combined experience, we know how to get you the compensation you deserve. If you’ve been injured, don’t delay. To contact a workers’ compensation attorney in Palm Beach Gardens that you can trust to get you the benefits you deserve, simply fill out our online form, or give us a call today at – (561) 616-3800.

    Client Review

    “My worker’s comp case was settled without going to court or mediation. Job well done.”
    Ronnie Davis
    Client Review

    Contact us today for a free consultation so we can discuss your situtaion.  It is not only important to talk to an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer when you have been hurt on the job, it is also the best way to make sure that you receive proper medical services and lost wages you are entitled to under the law. After all, the Workers’ Compensation law was created to protect you – the employee.

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    Remember, the consultation is free, and if you choose The Law Offices of Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt to represent you, you won’t pay for our services unless we win a settlement for you.

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      Why Choose Us



      A combined 100 years of experience in work-related injuries 


      We know how to fight insurance companies

      We make sure you are not taken advantage of, even when powerful insurance companies who are notorious for trying to deny your care.


      A Passion For Advocacy

      Every person on our team has a passion for helping people and fighting for their rights.