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    Palm Beach Gardens For The Injured

    Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt

    For The Injured Palm Beach Gardens

    For the Injured Palm Beach Gardens

    If you have a work-related injury that occurred in the Palm Beach Gardens area, at the Law Offices of Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt, we have lawyers who work hard for the injured Palm Beach Gardens workers that need our help. The truth is that when you file a claim, it’s always better to have a lawyer. Here are the major signs that you need to call a member of our team right away for assistance:

    Your Injuries Are Severe

    Severe injuries can put the rest of your life on hold. If your medical bills are out of control, if you are out of work due to your injury and feel like it’s completely interfering with your life, then you need a lawyer for the injured Palm Beach Gardens residents to turn to during hard times. In these cases, you should file a claim, especially if your injury was someone else’s fault.

    When someone acts intentionally or negligently and you are harmed because of it, you deserve compensation. Sometimes, people who do not have severe injuries, do not have an understanding of various factors, when it comes to specific types of injuries.  As mentioned earlier, there are certain aspects that should be considered and taken into consideration when someone is suffering from an injury.

    For example, if an injury is severe enough, it can end up ruining an individual’s life. An example of this would be if an individual were to be hurt in a sporting accident and the injury becomes so severe that the person is no longer able to continue their sports career.  Examples of this could include shoulder injuries, knee injuries, or more. 

    Another example of a severe injury is a major car accident. Someone can have injuries to multiple body parts, including the head, neck, blowback, shoulders, knees, and internal injuries. The injured worker will need multiple doctors, including spine surgeons, knee and shoulder surgeons, neurologists, pain doctors, and more. There may even be a need for psychiatric and mental health care due to related depression and anxiety or PTSD.

    The consequences of severe injuries are broad and wide-ranging, and sometimes, the injured party will not know the full extent of their injuries and disabilities until many months, if not years, after the initial accident. Not to mention medical bills for the treatment caused by the work-related accident and injury.  Unfortunately, sometimes the work comp carriers don’t pay your bills, and sometimes the medical provider bills the injured worker when they should not. The injured worker and their family cannot afford to pay these bills, and matters can become worse if the bills are sent to collection and it negatively affects your credit.  

    Your Injury Is Someone Else’s Fault

    You may have no question about who is at fault when it comes to your injury. While liability might not be something that you question, the insurance company is going to fight you. Having an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer will ensure you are not taken advantage of and have someone fighting for your rights. Remember, the work comp carrier is not on your side.

    Your Settlement Offer Is Low

    Often, a workers’ compensation injury claim usually ends before it reaches trial. The first offer of a settlement is usually low. Keep in mind that if insurance companies are involved, they will want to pay as little as possible. Victims should never accept the first offer or accept just any offer. It’s crucial to make an informed decision. This might be difficult if you don’t understand what you are entitled to.

    A lawyer for the injured Palm Beach Gardens community members depend on, can guide you through the process and provide you with a settlement calculation. This does not mean that you will reach an agreement on the amount, but it does give you a foundation to work with. We can provide you with the necessary information and educate you on when to accept a settlement and when to fight for more.

    Florida’s Workers’ Compensation law is complicated. If you were recently harmed, then it might be time to talk to a lawyer for the injured Palm Beach Gardens clients trust from the Law Offices of Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt.

    Third-Party Liability

    When someone is injured in a car accident, they often face financial losses because of those injuries. Depending on how serious the injuries are, the losses they suffer may be temporary, however, if the injuries are severe enough to leave permanent damages, those financial may also be permanent.

    The first step we can take in pursuing damages is to examine the evidence from the crash to determine which driver was liable for the crash. That driver is then legally responsible for the victim’s losses. Some of these losses are economic, such as medical expenses and lost wages. Other losses are non-economic, including pain and suffering, emotional anguish, and scarring. You might end up having multiple claims under different laws. Don’t lose the ability to pursue all rights afforded under the law.

    We know there are many accidents where there is a third party who is legally liable for the victim’s injuries. If the at-fault driver of the car was not the owner, then the owner may be liable, depending on the circumstances of why the driver was in possession of the vehicle.

    At the Law Offices of Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt, our lawyers will determine if you have a third-party lawsuit and refer you to an attorney who can help you with that case while we concentrate on your workers’ compensation claim. Our referral network is extensive and we can put you in touch with the right attorney for your injury and potential lawsuit. Our legal team understands how complex these types of cases can be, as well as the type of lawyer you will need to prove your case.

    The following are the more common types of third-party liability lawsuits for the injured Palm Beach Gardens clients turn to have handled in the past:

    • Trucking companies: It is the trucking company’s responsibility to ensure the drivers they hire are fully trained and experienced, have good driving records, do not have any substance abuse issues, do not suffer from any medical conditions that could interfere with driving (i.e. sleep apnea), and adheres to all federal and state driving regulations. Moreover, when it comes to trucking companies, some of the factors that are at times, not taken into consideration, pertaining to the lack of training, when it comes to making wide turns.  Trucks are much bigger than cars, and as such, it is often required that drivers make a wide turn, to avoid colliding with oncoming traffic.  Failure to do this can cause consequences such as accidents, as well as possible severe injuries, to those who were involved. 

    Common Injuries Caused By Slip and Fall Accidents

    As humans, some of us are more clumsy than others. There may be times when we trip and take a tumble simply due to our own fault. However, there may be other times when we could slip and fall and it is because of another’s negligence. For example, if you are shopping at a grocery store and slipped because a puddle of liquid went unattended to by staff, then you may have a case against the store for negligence.

    Anyone who has taken a slip and fall onto hard ground can probably attest to just how painful it can be. Here are some of the most common injuries that are caused due to slip and fall incidents: 

    Broken Bones

    Bones can get broken when there is a force of pressure applied that they cannot withstand. Depending on how the person fell, their bones may absorb the full impact of the tumble. Ankle fractures, broken hips, and broken knees are among the most prevalent injuries associated with slip and falls. Additionally, the older a person is, the more likely they are to break a bone from taking a fall. However, when filing a claim against the store, a person’s age isn’t really a factor, as anyone hurt due to another’s negligence deserves fair compensation. 

    Damage to the Knee

    As someone falls, they can take a hit to their knees if the slip caused them to jolt forward instead of backward. Knees are a very complex web of ligaments and bones and can take a very long time to fully heal. For severe cases, a person who slipped and fell may need knee reconstruction in order to fix the damage. As you can imagine, the costs of taking care of a shattered knee can be expensive and the injury may impact that person’s ability to get around for the rest of their life. 

    Head/Brain Injury

    A person who falls and lands on their back may hit their head on the ground, potentially causing a head or brain injury. Such injuries are serious and can turn life-threatening quickly. Many people who fall feel embarrassed and may be quick to brush off what happened and just keep going. But it is vital that people move past this feeling and get medical care and file a report at the store before leaving.

    Possible head injuries are to always be taken seriously, regardless of whether there is a visible wound or not. Examples of head injuries that can happen include concussions, brain bleeding or inflammation, skull fracture, and whiplash.  Whiplash is when an individual gets involved in an accident, and ends up having neck injuries that are not felt at the time.  Eventually, if the issue is not resolved in time, and the person is not examined by a doctor, the issues pertaining to whiplash can become more severe and permanent.  This is why when it comes to head or brain injuries, it is important that an individual gets examined in depth, to assess that everything is okay.


    Common Injuries Caused By Slip and Fall Accidents


    If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident caused by the negligence of another party or parties, contact the Law Offices of Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt today to meet with a lawyer for the injured Palm Beach Gardens victims turn to.

    Appealing a Denied Workers’ Compensation Claim: Key Questions to Ask

    A Palm Beach Gardens for the injured lawyer knows that when a workers’ compensation claim is denied, it can be a frustrating setback for injured workers. However, it’s important to remember that a denied claim is not the final word. The appeals process exists to provide an opportunity for claimants to challenge the decision. Reach out to the Law Offices of Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt for help with your workers’ compensation claim. 

    Why was the claim denied, and what evidence is needed for a successful appeal? 

    Understanding the reasons behind the claim denial is crucial. Review the denial letter or communication from the insurance company or employer to identify specific grounds for denial. This will help you determine what evidence or documentation is necessary to strengthen your case during the appeals process. Consult with your lawyer to analyze the denial reasons, gather the required evidence, and develop a robust strategy for your appeal.

    What is the deadline for filing an appeal, and what are the procedural requirements? 

    Every workers’ compensation system has specific deadlines for filing an appeal. Failure to meet these deadlines may result in the forfeiture of your right to challenge the denial. Determine the applicable timeframe for filing the appeal and ensure all necessary forms and documentation are submitted within that period. Familiarize yourself with the procedural requirements, such as the submission of medical records, witness statements, or expert opinions, to ensure compliance with the appeal process.

    Is it necessary to attend a mediation or settlement conference? 

    In some jurisdictions, attending mediation or settlement conferences is a mandatory step before proceeding to a formal hearing. These alternative dispute resolution processes aim to facilitate a resolution between the parties involved. Understanding whether participation in mediation or settlement conferences is required can help you prepare for these sessions and explore the possibility of reaching a mutually acceptable agreement. Consult with your attorney to determine the role of mediation or settlement conferences in your specific workers’ compensation system.

    What are the grounds for a successful appeal, and how can they be demonstrated? 

    To succeed in your appeal, you need to establish valid grounds that demonstrate the denial was incorrect or unjust. This may include proving that the injury or illness is work-related, providing additional medical evidence, challenging the interpretation of the law, or addressing any procedural errors in the original decision. Work closely with your Palm Beach Gardens for the injured lawyer to develop a strong argument based on relevant legal precedents, expert opinions, and any new evidence that supports your claim.

    How can a workers’ compensation attorney assist in the appeals process? 

    Navigating the appeals process can be complex and overwhelming. Engaging an experienced workers’ compensation attorney is highly recommended. They possess the necessary knowledge of workers’ compensation laws and the appeals process, as well as the expertise to build a compelling case on your behalf. An attorney can gather and present evidence, challenge the denial decision, negotiate with the insurance company or employer, and represent you at hearings or conferences. Their guidance and advocacy significantly enhance your chances of a successful appeal.

    Get Help With Your Claim Today

    When faced with a denied workers’ compensation claim, it’s crucial to understand the appeals process and take the necessary steps to challenge the decision. Reach out to the Law Offices of Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt to speak with a trusted Palm Beach Gardens for the injured lawyer today.

    Client Review

    “I recommend this law firm to anyone with a worker’s compensation case. The staff does a great job and they treat you like family. Judd Koenig was my attorney and went the extra mile and then some more securing my a nice settlement of my case.” Gregory Diggs Client Review

    Contact us today for a free consultation so we can discuss your situtaion.  It is not only important to talk to an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer when you have been hurt on the job, it is also the best way to make sure that you receive proper medical services and lost wages you are entitled to under the law. After all, the Workers’ Compensation law was created to protect you – the employee.

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      Why Choose Us



      A combined 100 years of experience in work-related injuries 


      We know how to fight insurance companies

      We make sure you are not taken advantage of, even when powerful insurance companies who are notorious for trying to deny your care.


      A Passion For Advocacy

      Every person on our team has a passion for helping people and fighting for their rights.