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    Palm Beach County Work Injury Lawyer

    Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt

    Work Injury Lawyer Palm Beach County

    Work Injury Lawyer Palm Beach CountyAt the Law Offices of Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt, our Work Injury Lawyer Palm Beach County residents trust has vast experience helping people with their workers’ compensation claims. Without workers comp benefits, it can be very challenging to make ends meet. We are here to help you get the most out of your claim so you can recover without spending money out of your own pocket. If your employer has a workers comp program, then they must allow you to file for a workers’ compensation claim. If you are having trouble with your workers comp claim in any way, then contact us right now for immediate guidance. 

    Reporting Your Injury

    The moment you get hurt at work, you must get yourself somewhere safe and examine your injuries. Report the incident to your boss so they can provide you with documents to complete. It is important that you file for workers comp within a certain period of time, otherwise you may be denied due to waiting too long to pursue a claim. We are aware that in some workplaces, there is a culture where reporting an injury is frowned upon. But for your health and future financial stability, it is crucial that you put yourself first during this time. If you are having trouble advocating for yourself, a Palm Beach County Work Injury Lawyer is happy to step in as needed. 

    Getting Medical Care

    If for some reason you have not been offered a doctor’s visit by your employer despite filing a workers comp claim, then you must notify us right away. Your employer may be breaking the law and violating your rights by not taking your injury accident and workers comp claim seriously. Prompt medical attention can lead to a quicker and fuller recovery. It can also be useful in your workers comp claim as evidence for your injuries. If you delay in getting care, the insurance company handling your claim may attempt to miminize or deny your claim entirely. 

    Your Treating Doctor

    Depending on the state you live in and the type of program your employer has for workers comp, you may have to see a doctor assigned by your boss or you are permitted to see your own physician. The tricky part with having a pre-assigned doctor treat you, is that this doctor may be influenced to handle your injuries in a way to where it saves your employer money. To avoid bias, we can look into seeing whether you have the right to at least get a second opinion from your own personal doctor. 

    The Law Offices of Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt

    We understand that right now you may be overwhelmed and stressed. If your employer is being careless in regards to your work injury, you may feel pressure and disappointment. We will have your best interest in mind every step of the way. Call the Law Offices of Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt today for more information about how a Lawyer for Work Injury in Palm Beach County can help!

    Those who work in construction, law enforcement, firefighting, commercial fishing, and other inherently dangerous industries generally understand the risks that their jobs entail. In fact, these risks are relatively obvious to everyone. By contrast, a seemingly boring office job is much safer and far less hazardous. But a safer environment is not a risk-free environment. 

    There are numerous dangers associated with office work that most of us fail to appreciate – until we suffer a workplace injury. Most Floridians are aware that workers’ compensation benefits are available when someone working in a hazardous industry is injured while on the job. However, many are unaware that these same benefits are available to office workers who sustain acute or chronic injuries while working in an office or other “low risk” job. Below, you’ll find information concerning some of the most common hazards that you are likely to face if you work at an office or desk job. If any of these scenarios are affecting you, please schedule a consultation today with a Palm Beach County work injury lawyer at Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt. Our team can help you to evaluate your legal options and to secure you any benefits you’re entitled to. Even if you’re unsure whether your injury makes you eligible to file a claim, our Palm Beach County work injury lawyer can help you sort out your options so that you can make an informed decision about what to do next. 

    Repetitive Stress Injuries

    Working at a desk these days generally means working at a computer – all day, every day. While this is not physically tiresome or demanding work, it does put extra stress on certain parts of the body, especially hands and wrists. After years of typing away at a computer keyboard, it is somewhat common for desk workers to develop carpal tunnel syndrome or similar repetitive stress injuries.

    Staring at a computer screen all day can also cause significant eye strain, leading to vision loss over time. This is particularly true if the rest of the office environment is poorly lit, making the computer screen even brighter by contrast.

    Slips, Trips and Falls

    A clean, well-organized office is a safe office. Unfortunately, many office environments don’t meet that description. In the world of cubicles and open floor plans, it is common for workers to run extension cords across heavily trafficked walking spaces. Many workers also opt to use rolling chairs as stepladders whenever they need to reach something high up. Predictably, the chairs roll away and the workers fall.

    Finally, the choice of flooring can make a big difference. Area rugs or tile can make an office feel less boring, but they also pose slipping and tripping hazards. In most cases, a short-nap carpet is the safest flooring choice.

    Breathing Environmental Toxins

    Office environments these days are typically enclosed spaces with windows that don’t open to let fresh air in. And in an effort to reduce heating and cooling costs, offices tend to be very well insulated, making it less likely that air will circulate in and out of the building.

    What this means practically is that any office product that produces a hazardous odor is more likely to hang around in the air. As a result, you are stuck inhaling the fumes from permanent markers, white out, printer toner and other chemicals. This is not a big deal in the short-term. But as with repetitive stress injuries, problems can accumulate over time.

    Injured in the Office? Call Us to Discuss your Options.

    These are just some of the numerous hazards that workers face in an office environment. While you are far less likely to suffer life-threatening or acute injuries, you can nonetheless suffer health problems and accidents at work. If and when that time comes, it is a good idea to contact an experienced Palm Beach County work injury lawyer to discuss your options for seeking benefits. Our Palm Beach County work injury lawyer team works with individuals who have been hurt on the job under a variety of circumstances – both ordinary and unusual. We look forward to learning more about your situation and about how we can be of assistance to you. 

    Contact us today for a free consultation so we can discuss your situtaion.  It is not only important to talk to an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer when you have been hurt on the job, it is also the best way to make sure that you receive proper medical services and lost wages you are entitled to under the law. After all, the Workers’ Compensation law was created to protect you – the employee.

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    Remember, the consultation is free, and if you choose The Law Offices of Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt to represent you, you won’t pay for our services unless we win a settlement for you.

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      Why Choose Us



      A combined 100 years of experience in work-related injuries 


      We know how to fight insurance companies

      We make sure you are not taken advantage of, even when powerful insurance companies who are notorious for trying to deny your care.


      A Passion For Advocacy

      Every person on our team has a passion for helping people and fighting for their rights.