Once you have decided that you need a workers’ compensation lawyer to represent you, it is important that you understand how to choose the attorney that will do – the best work for you and your unique situation. At The Law Offices of Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt, we only represent injured employees. This allows us to focus all of our efforts and attention to making sure – injured employees maximize their medical and lost wage benefits.
Your Workers’ Compensation Lawyer’s Area of Expertise
At The Law Offices of Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt we only represent injured employees. Based on more than 50 years of combined workers’ compensation experience, the attorneys at The Law Offices of Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt have extensive in-depth knowledge in Florida, Georgia and Illinois workers’ compensation law, allowing us to provide superior service and advice to injured employees.
How Your Workers’ Compensation Attorney Handles Legal Fees
Being out of work because of a work-related injury or illness is hard enough. If your insurance company or your employer is denying your claim, you may find yourself with little money to pay for your daily expenses, medical bills and lawyer fees. The Law Offices of Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt works on a contingency fee agreement, which means that you do not have to pay them a penny until you win your case.
Our Services Include: Work Injury, Workers’ Compensation, Work Place Accident, Accident at Work, Injury at Work
Areas We Service: Georgia, – Florida, Illinois, New York, North Carolina, and South Carolina