Work injuries can be the result of an immediate accident, the result of repetitive work activities or exposure to toxic chemicals or substances. Common work injuries for which your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance company should provide medical care and lost wages include:
. Car Accidents – It doesn’t matter if you were ticketed!
. Spine Injuries – Low back (Lumbar), Mid Back Thoracic) and Neck (Cervical)
. Shoulder injuries (think nursing or child care, activities that involve repetitive lifting, turning, pushing or pulling)
. Psychological disorders (The law requires an actual touching; a gun held inches from your head is not enough!)
. Amputation
. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
. Concussions
. Head Injuries
. Exposure to toxins: Chemicals or Mold
. Burns
. Traumatic brain injury
. Abrasions
. Broken bones
. Dislocations
. Hearing loss