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    Palm Beach Car Accident Lawyer

    Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt

    Palm Beach Car Accident Lawyer

    A Palm Beach car accident lawyer from the Law Offices of Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt, can be your resource for legal guidance. After a car accident, the insurance company will contact you to get a statement about what happened. This process can make people feel nervous and intimidated. Giving an official statement can be nerve-wracking, especially if the collision left you feeling shaken up. A car accident lawyer in Palm Beach from the – Law Offices of Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt – can guide you through the process.

    If you hire our Palm Beach car accident lawyer, we will be the go-between you and the insurance company. If you have any questions or need further legal assistance, please do not hesitate to call a – Palm Beach car accident lawyer – from the Law Offices of Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt.

    But if you do not hire an attorney and speak directly to the carrier, here are a few things to keep in mind.

    Palm Beach Florida MVA lawyer

    How to Talk to Your Insurance Company After a Car Accident

    #1 Stick to Facts Only

    Answer questions honestly, but you do not need to offer unsolicited details. By trying to be too precise or helpful, it can lead to a false or self-incriminating statement. Memories of specific details can fade over time. If you were in a state of shock, it could be challenging to remember the small things. Stick to the facts you clearly remember. Your Palm Beach car accident lawyer can provide you with additional guidance.

    #2 Do Not Assume Blame

    The most common misstep after an accident is admitting fault. Even if you believe you were the one to blame, there may be other factors you are not aware of that contributed to the accident. The insurance company only needs your interpretation of how the crash happened. Sometimes, an investigation can prove that the other driver could have prevented the accident. By accepting blame, it can lead to an unnecessary insurance rate increase. Your Palm Beach car accident lawyer will need to know everything you told the insurance company and the conversations you may have had with witnesses.

    #3 Do Not Say “I Am Fine”

    After an accident, you should see your doctor. Soft tissue injuries may not be apparent right away. It may seem misleading to the insurance company if you say you are okay now, but then days or weeks later report an injury from the accident. Give your body time to respond and then only when you are ready and have seen your doctor, should you accept performing an official statement. Especially for back and neck injuries, the damage may not be felt until months down the line. If the insurance company seems eager to close your claim, keep it open until you have consulted with a Palm Beach car accident lawyer at the Law Offices of Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt for advice.

    How long after a car accident should I wait before filing an injury claim?

    In the aftermath of a car accident, and during a time when you may be suffering from a severe injury, seeking legal representation may not be your first priority. However, contacting a Palm Beach, Florida car accident lawyer for help in getting compensation for damages is essential. If you delay too long, you risk a claim denial if the statute of limitations runs out. In addition, the more time that goes by, the more likely that critical information and evidence might be lost forever. Once you’ve discussed your case with your Palm Beach car accident lawyer, you can begin to decide on a legal strategy to optimize your chance to receive maximum compensation for damages.

    The Statute of Limitations

    Florida’s law dictates that an injury claim must be filed within a certain period immediately following the accident. If you miss this deadline, then your claim will automatically be denied. There are exceptions to this rule, but they are rare.

    Call the Law Offices of Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt to consult with our Palm Beach car accident lawyer to learn how the statute of limitations will affect your case.

    Call a Car Accident Lawyer in Palm Beach Immediately

    If you were injured in a vehicle collision, one of the first things you should do is contact a trusted car accident lawyer in Palm Beach. There are many reasons for calling the Law Offices of Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt without delay. Here are just some of the highlights:

    • Your car accident lawyer in Palm Beach can document as much evidence as possible before it is disposed of, altered, or degrades. A strong personal injury claim or lawsuit is dependent on providing as much compelling evidence as possible.
    • Your car accident lawyer can advise you of your rights and legal obligations to make sure you comply as necessary and do not put your claim at risk for non-compliance.
    • Your Palm Beach car accident lawyer can determine the optimal time for submitting your claim. Your lawyer can also make sure that it is accurate and complete and provides the necessary documentation to ensure it has the best chance for timely approval. A successful claim will provide you with the funds you need for medical treatment of your injury and to cover additional damages, such as loss of income, during your recovery time.

    Filing a work injury claim is a time-sensitive process. For this reason, it’s essential to act right away. Doing so will preserve your right to compensation from the party responsible for your car accident. We encourage you to contact us at the Law Offices of Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt, and talk to our legal team about your case. Our Palm Beach car accident lawyer will be happy to meet with you for a free consultation in Palm Beach, so do not delay in contacting us.

    What Are Common Car Accident Injuries?

    A Car Accident Lawyer Palm Beach Respects

    We take pride in offering clients professional and compassionate legal services. Every new client receives a free initial case evaluation. To take advantage of this opportunity, please call us today to schedule an appointment with a – Palm Beach car accident lawyer.

    Children in Vehicle More Dangerous Distraction than Talking on Phone

    Any type of activity which takes a driver’s attention away from the road and the task of safe driving is considered a distraction. Most drivers realize those types of driving behaviors, which often result in car crashes. Unfortunately, as a Palm Beach car accident lawyer can attest, many of those drivers still engage in those behaviors, resulting in the deaths of almost 3,500 people each year in distracted driving accidents.

    Many of the types of distracting behaviors a Palm Beach car accident lawyer sees that receive the majority of focus include texting, talking on the phone, playing with GPS or radio, and drinking and eating. One type of distraction that is rarely mentioned – but is a serious driving distraction – is having children in the vehicle. One study concluded that driving with children may be one of the worst types of distractions drivers deal with.

    Distracted Driving Study

    Our Palm Beach car accident lawyer shares a study that was conducted by researchers in Australia. They found that the average parent with children in the vehicle took their eyes off the road an alarming three minutes and 22 seconds during a trip that lasted 16 minutes. Their calculations concluded that children in the vehicle are 12 times more distracting to the driver than talking on a cell phone is. The most common distractions children in the vehicle caused the parents were:

    •       Babies crying
    •       Toddlers screaming
    •       Children wanting snacks
    •       Children dropping their toys and demanding them back
    •       Children spilling drinks in the vehicle
    •       Children throwing toys and other objects into the front seat
    •       Children who are fighting
    •       Older children or teenagers horsing around in the backseat

    Our car accident lawyers in Palm Beach know that most parents will likely relate to the above list, having experienced many of all of those items at one time or another while driving with their children. Minimizing the number of trips you take with your children by having your spouse, family, friends, or babysitters watch them is not always possible. Here are some tips provided by our Palm Beach car accident lawyer that may be helpful for anyone who has children in the car:

    • Try to schedule trips during nap time, so your child sleeps.
    • Make a rule with your child that you do not pick up dropped items while you are driving.
    • Feed your child before you leave the house. Don’t let small children eat while you are driving because this increases the chance of choking while you are on the road.
    •  If you have infants or toddlers in diapers, make sure they are changed and dry before leaving for your trip.

    Contact a Palm Beach Car Accident Lawyer

    Unfortunately, no matter how many precautions we take as drivers, there is always the risk of being in the same area as a driver who does not. If you have been injured in a crash caused by a distracted driver, contact a car accident attorney in Palm Beach to determine your legal options and what types of damages you may be entitled to.

    At the Law Offices of Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt, we have been advocating for injured clients and their families for almost two decades and are available to meet and discuss how we may be able to help with your situation. Call our office today to set up a free consultation with a Palm Beach car accident lawyer and find out how we can help.

    Reasons Accessing Medical Care is Important After a Car Accident

    Unfortunately, car accidents are a common occurrence many of which produce lasting injuries for victims. Each time someone gets into their car to head out to work, the grocery store, daycare, they put themselves at risk of an accident. While it’s important to take proper care to ensure that you are operating your vehicle safely and driving defensively, you will not be able to control the actions of others on the home. While accidents range in severity, what may seem like a minor accident can produce damaging results. Our Palm Beach car accident lawyer knows that in some cases, you may not believe that you were injured. Because of this, you may forgo medical treatment that may be critical to not only your health but your legal claim. Here are some key reasons accessing medical care is important after a car accident:

    Reason #1: You Could Be in Shock

    Immediately following a car accident, our Palm Beach car accident lawyer will tell you that the scene will be incredibly chaotic. For many, injuries may not be apparent right away. Even some of the most serious injuries may be masked by the high levels of adrenaline pumping through your body. This means that you might not feel pain in the aftermath of the accident which may lead you to incorrectly believe that you have not been injured. Once things begin to calm, it’s common to begin experiencing pain from the accident which is why our Palm Beach car accident lawyer recommends that you seek medical attention right away. 

    Reason #2: To Get the Care That You Need

    Car accidents can be a real pain. They have the ability to impact the rest of a person’s day. For those with serious injuries, they could impact them for the long term. At least getting checked by a medical provider after a car accident can ensure that you receive the treatment that you need. In some cases, medical care could even be life saving. Sometimes, injuries could be delayed, even severe injuries may not be noticeable at first. While you may be in a rush to get on with your day, our car accident lawyer in Palm Beach lawyer shares that this could only make matters worse. 

    Reason #3: To Obtain Treatment for Underlying Injuries

    Underlying injuries should be of significant concern in the wake of a car accident. Prompt medical treatment is essential to ensure that you receive treatment for injuries. In some cases, underlying injuries could even be life threatening. There are a range of injuries that you may not notice right away, including: 

    • Internal Bleeding
    • Whiplash
    • Soft Tissue Damage
    • Brain Injury
    • Neck and Back Injuries

    Don’t put yourself at further risk. If you notice pain, lightheadedness, shortness of breath, vision loss or blood in urine or stool, you need to seek emergency medical care immediately. 

    Reason #4: To Protect Your Legal Claim

    Our Palm Beach car accident lawyer may need to assist you in taking legal action for the damages you have suffered. If you fail to seek medical treatment, it may be more challenging to prove the extent or your injuries. This is because medical treatment produces key documentation that outlines the extent of your injuries and ultimately helps to prove car accident cases.  

    The Law Offices of Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt

    Following a car accident you may wonder who is to blame for the damages you may be facing. First take the critical step in receiving medical treatment to ensure that you receive the care that you deserve. This is essential not only for your overall wellbeing but, for your case. Our Palm Beach car accident lawyer can help you by reviewing your case and determining if negligence was a factor. 

    Reasons Accessing Medical Care is Important After a Car Accident

    Unfortunately, car accidents are a common occurrence, many of which produce lasting injuries for victims. Each time someone enters their car to head out to work, the grocery store, or daycare, they put themselves at risk of an accident. While it’s essential to take proper care to ensure that you are operating your vehicle safely and driving defensively, you will not be able to control others’ actions while on the road. While accidents range in severity, what may seem like a minor accident can produce damaging results. Our Palm Beach car accident lawyer knows that in some cases, you may not believe that you were injured. Because of this, you may forgo medical treatment that may be critical to your health and legal claim. Here are some key reasons accessing medical care is vital after a car accident:

    Reason #1: You Could Be in Shock

    Immediately following a car accident, our Palm Beach car accident lawyer will tell you that the scene will be incredibly chaotic. For many, injuries may not be apparent right away. Some of the most serious injuries may be masked by the high levels of adrenaline pumping through your body. This means that you might not feel pain after the accident, which may lead you to believe that you have not been injured. Once things begin to calm down, it’s common to start experiencing pain from an accident, which is why our Palm Beach car accident lawyer recommends that you seek medical attention immediately. 

    Reason #2: To Get the Care That You Need

    Car accidents can be a real pain. They can impact the rest of a person’s day. For those with serious injuries, they could affect them for the long term. At least getting checked by a medical provider after a car accident can ensure that you receive the necessary treatment. Sometimes, injuries could be delayed; even severe injuries may not be noticeable at first. While you may be in a rush to get on with your day, our car accident lawyer in Palm Beach lawyer shares that this could only make matters worse. 

    Reason #3: To Obtain Treatment for Underlying Injuries

    Underlying injuries should be of significant concern in the wake of a car accident. Prompt medical treatment is essential to ensure that you receive treatment for injuries. In some cases, underlying injuries could even be life-threatening. There are a range of injuries that you may not notice right away, including:

    • Internal Bleeding
    • Whiplash
    • Soft Tissue Damage
    • Brain Injury
    • Neck and Back Injuries

    Don’t put yourself at further risk. You need to seek emergency medical care immediately if you notice pain, lightheadedness, shortness of breath, vision loss, or blood in urine or stool, you could be experiencing injuries that may be life-threatening.

    Reason #4: To Protect Your Legal Claim

    Our Palm Beach car accident lawyer may need to assist you in taking legal action for the damages you have suffered. If you fail to seek medical treatment, it may be more challenging to prove the extent of your injuries. This is because medical treatment produces key documentation that outlines the extent of your injuries and ultimately helps to prove car accident cases.  

    After a car accident, many people turn to the Law Offices of Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt for a consultation with a Palm Beach car accident injury lawyer. Chances are, you may have to deal with one or more insurance agencies, and this can quickly get confusing and complicated. Firstly, you must speak with your own insurance carrier about an accident, even if you weren’t at-fault. You may then have to submit a claim to the other driver’s insurance agency, who may try to minimize the extent of your damages and losses in order to save their company money.

    Most people who pay substantial premiums for car insurance may be surprised to find out that dealing with their own insurance company may not be an easy feat either. Handling the aftermath of a car accident can be very stressful and put a person into financial hardship. It isn’t uncommon for people to hire a Palm Beach car accident lawyer families can rely on for guidance and to ensure their rights are being protected. 

    But, I thought my insurer was on my side?

    As your Palm Beach car accident injury lawyer may tell you, your car insurance carrier is on your side in the sense that they will do what they can to protect you from being deemed at-fault for the accident. However, a major motivator for doing so is to avoid having to pay compensation to the other driver in the accident. If this happens, then you have ultimately cost the company money. Insurance providers do market their business as being advocates for their members, but unfortunately this tends to be far from the truth. 

    What if my insurance carrier offers me a settlement?

    You may want to speak with a car accident injury lawyer in Palm Beach from the Law Offices of Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt, as to whether accepting an insurance settlement is right for you. Sadly, car insurance agencies may offer a low ball settlement to their customers and make it seem like it is non-negotiable. But, as your attorney may tell you, these numbers are often negotiable but most people don’t know this or are too tired from dealing with the accident in itself to fight about anything else. 

    What should I do if the other driver’s insurance is trying to blame me?

    When it comes to determining who was at-fault for the car accident, insurance companies can be ruthless. The other insurance agency may try to mitigate their liability by stating you were responsible for the wreck, even if it isn’t true. They may even attempt to push you into providing a statement about the accident, and then use it to minimize or deny your claim.

    It is imperative that you do not give a statement to the other insurance company or an insurance adjuster until you have spoken with a Palm Beach car accident injury lawyer. No one but your own insurance company and attorney should know exactly what happened. If you have to speak with the other driver’s insurance, we can prepare you for this conversation so that what you say cannot be used against you. 

    Who is going to pay for my medical bills due to the car accident?

    Depending on your insurance coverage and factors of the accident, either your insurance company, the other driver’s insurance company, or the driver directly will be paying for your medical bills (if they were at-fault). A Palm Beach, FL car accident injury lawyer may be able to help you with how to go about seeking compensation for your medical bills. 

    The Law Offices of Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt

    Following a car accident, you may wonder who is to blame for the damages you may be facing. First, take the critical step in receiving medical treatment to ensure that you get the care that you deserve. This is essential not only for your overall wellbeing but for your case. Our Palm Beach car accident lawyer can help you by reviewing your case and determining if negligence was a factor. 

    Client Review

    “If you want prompt and professional service when it comes to a Workmen’s Compensation case, then you need to get a hold of Frank’s, Koenig and Neuwelt! I had the pleasure of working with Mr. Koenig and the paralegals were amazing as well. “
    David Tyler
    Client Review

    Contact us today for a free consultation so we can discuss your situtaion.  It is not only important to talk to an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer when you have been hurt on the job, it is also the best way to make sure that you receive proper medical services and lost wages you are entitled to under the law. After all, the Workers’ Compensation law was created to protect you – the employee.

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    Remember, the consultation is free, and if you choose The Law Offices of Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt to represent you, you won’t pay for our services unless we win a settlement for you.

      By providing your phone number, you agree to receive text messages from Franks, Koenig & Neuwelt. Message and data rates may apply. Message frequency varies.

      Why Choose Us



      A combined 100 years of experience in work-related injuries 


      We know how to fight insurance companies

      We make sure you are not taken advantage of, even when powerful insurance companies who are notorious for trying to deny your care.


      A Passion For Advocacy

      Every person on our team has a passion for helping people and fighting for their rights.